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so I finished one project that was on my list! the Birdie Sling from Amy Butler’s pattern. I really wanted to finish this bag before I went to my cousin’s wedding in Mexico at the end of January, and I did!

birdie goes to mexico

This pattern was pretty easy, the only part I got kinda stuck on was getting the gusseted corners right. I went to the workroom to ask Karyn, but she wasn’t there (it was a Friday night) and luckily fellow crafty gal Lauren was there and she showed me. Many people had already made their own Birdie Sling bags, and the one thing I had heard was that they wished the handle were longer, so I added 10 inches to the handle and now I can pop it over my head and shoulder. I would recommend this, but I think next time I would leave a larger unsewn section along the edge to help with turning the handle inside out.

For the main part of the bag, I used this dark green fabric I picked up at the Creativ festival a few years back and for the band, handle and inside, I used Anna Griffin’s really cute map fabric. I opted not to use any fusible fleece, and stuck with using only interfacing. I’m still not sure whether I would want additional bulk in the bag next time I make one.

I have always said that in each craft project I will likely make at least one big mistake. This time my mistake is pretty funny, especially because it specifically says in the pattern to NOT make this mistake. I twisted the handle. That’s right, I have a very unique moebius bag.

get your own lunar crafts

i made this

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